Saturday, December 24, 2005

Jonathan proposed today!

While my mom and Jonathan were at work (FedEx on Christmas Eve = NOT fun) I was busy running around doing a bunch of stuff in preparation for my aunt's Christmas party: baking cookies, cleaning house, getting last minute gifts, etc. (...somehow I even made time to go tanning!). Needless to say, I was completely nasty and sweaty and just plain icky from doing work all day, which was okay because I had a few hours until the party so I still had time to shower and get dressed. Jonathan and my mom were not due home until around 5pm, but for some reason, Jonathan walked in the door at 3pm. I was of course very happy and asked him why he came home so early...He replied that work didn't need him and that he had to get ready for my aunt's party-- in reality, he left an hour early so that he could propose (everyone at work was cheering him on!). I asked him why he had to get ready so early, and he told me that we were leaving as soon as my mom got home. So as he was hurriedly changing out of his FedEx uniform into nicer attire, I was very confused since I had planned my day so that I would have enough time to get ready and now here I am- being forced to get ready in only a few minutes!

So I proceeded to run around the house like a chicken with my head cut off trying to get everything done at once! Jonathan went in the other room and then came back and met me in the kitchen. I noticed that he had one hand behind his back and thought nothing of it (he was holding the box with my ring in it!). I tried to hurry past him telling him that I had to get in the shower, but he gently stopped me and asked (in the cutest voice) "If I had a second'....and that was when I realized what he was doing!!! He totally caught me off guard: here I was looking my absolute worst, standing in my mom's kitchen and having Jonathan just stare at me so if I were some supermodel! lol...only Jonathan! Anyway, I grabbed him and just hugged him and said "oh my god" over and over again...He told me he loved me...and when I finally let go of him, he got down on one knee and asked if I would be his wife....and of course I said yes!!!! I was completely dazed...I couldn't believe what was happening, I thought for sure I would have been able to predict when he would ask me, but NOPE-- he definitely got the surprise that he wanted!

After showing me the ring and sliding it on my finger....I was even more awestruck....I was hopping around the house acting all crazy and crying...I just kept saying "oh my god, oh my god!"....We finally called my mom who was still at work...She could tell just by the sound of my voice that Jonathan had proposed!....Still on the phone with me, she turned to the customer she was working with at the time and said, "MY DAUGHTER JUST GOT ENGAGED!" lol...and then she told the rest of the FedEx workers and they were all excited for us....

When my mom finally got home from work, we went to my aunt's Christmas party- it turned out that most of the people in my family had seen the ring a few days prior, so they all knew it was coming! Jonathan and my mom actually went to see my dad at the nursing home the day before and Jonathan asked both of them for permission to have my hand in marriage. My dad ended up crying because he was so happy for us!...He said congratulations and that "this is such a big step for us" and that he was so proud... He told Jonathan that he would shake his hand if he could :( was an amazingly, wonderful, perfect day!!! I still can't believe it! I'm so happy! I love how he proposed too-- since we both knew it would eventually happen, I think this was the only way he could have REALLY surprised me...catching me at a time when I seriously least expected it! I have tons more to say, but I'm exhausted and we have to get up early tomorrow- we're driving to Deland to have Christmas with his family and let them know about our engagement! (We decided to tell them in person rather than calling them on the phone) Wish us luck!

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